Wednesday, December 3, 2014

a sharpie

The sharpie with retractable point my sister gave me finally dies.

I kinda liked that sharpie.
I go to Office Max to get a new sharpie.
I study the entirety of the "writing instruments" display. Twice. No sharpies.
Then I notice they're in their own kiosk in the middle of the isle.
A sales woman cruises by and asks if I have any questions.
Yeah, I think, I got questions, like, "Why is life the way it is?" But instead I say, "No, thanks, I found what I’m looking for."
She disappears.
But there is not "a" sharpie in the display.
The closest thing is a four-pack for $6.79.
I check the display again.
Nope, only the four-pack.
I am nearly resigned to take the four-pack.
The sales woman cruises by again. She gives me a glance.
I ask, "Is it possible to get just one sharpie?”
"Yes," she says, "we moved that display up front."
I go up front.
There they are. Individual sharpies.
They are 2 for $1.00.
I take one to the checkout.
The woman scans it.
"$1.83," she says.
"The sign says 2 for $1.00," I say.
She looks puzzled.
She walks around to the display.
She reads the sign to me, "2 for $1.00, or…" she squints at the fine print, "1 for $1.67."
I take another sharpie.
She scans them and says, "That'll be $1.08."
Do the math. Everything makes perfect sense.

Gordon Bunker


  1. Excellent post Gordon! haha Perfect sense.

    1. Hi Melanie, Thanks for reading... hope your book is progressing nicely.

  2. Well done! Do you suppose if you had only bought the one it would have lasted twice as long?
