Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today's NY Times op-ed piece by Maureen Dowd shows how US regulatories and oil industry biggies have their hands in each other's pockets. No surprise there really, but once again the trail goes directly to why we have 5,000 barrels of crude oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico each day since 20 April. (5,000 barrels of crude by the way represents about 2 minutes of US consumption.)

So, let's face it, we don't really have government. We have business.

Most recent data from the US Center for Disease Control show in hospital outpatient departments the second most prescribed drugs are antidepressants. This would be after analgesics; you know, aspirin. Why am I not surprised?

I look out the window. There's a blue sky with puffy white clouds floating by, the mountains are still there and they are still beautiful. I am not taking antidepressants but there are days I am tempted. The splendors of the natural world aren't enough to make up for the madness we humans create, and I'm lucky; I live in the middle of one of the most beautiful places on earth. How people in the big smelly cities do it I don't know. Looking at the rate of antidepressant prescriptions by zip code might be telling.

Perhaps the question is, how does one keep one's chin up? WIthout antidepressants.
Gordon Bunker

1 comment:

  1. WE can not control the world, we can only control our reaction to it. Perhaps it's ostrich like, but it seems beneficial to concentrate on our own sphere of influence, and do something, about something we can do something about, and trust that some larger power, will take care of the other stuff beyond our control. That hasn't been the government, ours or anyone else's, lately. And it damn sure isn't BP in the Gulf.
